The first Cat in the spotlight is the lusty, busty, not too rusty IonA BeerWagon.

Skater number: 68+1.
Hometown: SURREY.
Position: Blocker and Sacrificial Jammer.
How you got that name of yours: It came up at a hockey game, and I realllllly like beer.
Why you joined derby: to hit girls on rollerskates and to gain a sports brain.
How long have you been playing derby: going into my 3rd season
What is your favourite thing about derby: the family you gain when you join a team, meeting people who I wouldn't have met any other way, awesome travelling trips, seeing the strategies you learn and perfect in practice work on the track in a real game, having special time with Suzy Shameless.
Advice for new derby players: don't give up, the first year is always the hardest. Cardio is your friend, change your bearings and make sure you have a few good sets of wheels (indoor and outdoor).
Favourite derby moment: When the FPC went to Alaska and won our first game! When the FPC finally won against the Eves of Destruction in 2010.
Tell us a derby story: In my first season, we were the bottom team. The two other teams in our league had been playing together for a minimum of 2 years, with more experienced players than we had. The FPC had 15 rookies in my first year. We bonded and created our team based on teamwork, communication and hard work. We would go out and play any team, and always had a smile on our faces. If we were getting annihilated, then we would dance and make ourselves have a good time. We are there for the sport and for each other. Winning is fun, but losing with class and laughs is better. There is a heck of a lot of footage of many FPCS for the 2008-2009 season shaking it on the track and having a great time. That is why we were invited so many different places to play different teams. Not just because we were a good rookie team, but because we knew how to have a good time, and to make any time awesome!
Which derby player do you look up to: Different ladies for different reasons. I would have to say Sissy Straight-Edge and her amazing Hip Punch, 8 Mean Wheeler because of her amazing track awareness, RollerGirl because of her awesome calmness and serenity on the track, and Shameless for teaching me not to the the score affect how I feel or how I play; always go out to do your best and help your team. Sometimes, helping your team is pulling yourself from a jam and having the personal strength to put in a stronger player than you are.
Tell us something about yourself that is non-derby related: Hockey is my other love. GO CANUCKS GO!!! Two teams that are taking the cup this year?? CANUCKS and FASTER PUSSYCATS!! Meow!!
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