Friday, January 14, 2011

Meet the Pussycats - IonA BeerWagon

We Pussycats are an eclectic bunch. On our team we have nurses and artists and bookworms and more nurses. As the season rapidly approaches we would like to share some of who we are with you, our fans.

The first Cat in the spotlight is the lusty, busty, not too rusty IonA BeerWagon.

Skater name: IonA BeerWagon.

Skater number: 68+1.

Hometown: SURREY.

Position: Blocker and Sacrificial Jammer.

How you got that name of yours: It came up at a hockey game, and I realllllly like beer.

Why you joined derby: to hit girls on rollerskates and to gain a sports brain.

How long have you been playing derby: going into my 3rd season

What is your favourite thing about derby: the family you gain when you join a team, meeting people who I wouldn't have met any other way, awesome travelling trips, seeing the strategies you learn and perfect in practice work on the track in a real game, having special time with Suzy Shameless.

Advice for new derby players: don't give up, the first year is always the hardest. Cardio is your friend, change your bearings and make sure you have a few good sets of wheels (indoor and outdoor).

Favourite derby moment: When the FPC went to Alaska and won our first game! When the FPC finally won against the Eves of Destruction in 2010.