XanaDoozie (or, as we all call her "Doozie" or "la dooze" or any ending in "zie") is a nimble player who dances through the pack throwing hits sharp as knives. (XanaDoozie is shown here on the right side of the photo below with her teammate Miss Shell Shockk on the left)

Skater name: XanaDoozie
Skater number: 61
Birthday: December 7
Position: Part time Jammer & Part time Blocker
Skater number: 61
Birthday: December 7
Position: Part time Jammer & Part time Blocker
How did you get your name: Originally from the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge "In Xanadu did Kublai Khan / A stately Pleasure-Dome decree" because, you know, I'm a Pleasure-Dome.
Reason for skater number: 61 is my husband's hockey number and he picked it because of Rick Nash of the Columbus Blue Jackets.
You joined derby because: A friend of mine was trying out and I tagged along.
How long have you been playing derby: This is my second season.
What is your favourite thing about derby: When the team works as a unit; it's amazing.
Any advice for new derby players: If you get hit down, get up. If you fall down, get up. If you get sandwiched by two huge girls and you're laying on the ground and they are waiting to take you down again, get up.
Favourite derby moment: Winning against Atomic City was pretty neat.
Which derby player(s) do you look up to: Our whole league is full of amazing skaters. I am so honored to be a part of the FPC and each girl on our team has helped me out in some way and so they are all my favourites.
Something interesting about yourself not related to derby: I draw pictures for a living.
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