Photo by Bob Ayers
Derby Name: Mack The Mouth
Birthday: June 9th
Position: Coach
How did you get your derby name: TCRG skaters voted on it when I posted a few options for my derby name in Dec of 2006.
Why did you join derby: Faced with being a derby widow, I jumped in with both feet as league announcer, and instantly fell in love with the sport.
How long have you been in derby: 5 seasons and counting...
What is your favourite thing about derby: The way the sport is currently transforming in play/strategy and it's growing popularity.
Any advice for new derby players: Be patient, don't over think it, work on your core strength outside of the sport.
Favourite derby moment: I will always have 2: Derby De'Mayo (TCRG's first ever bout) May 5th 2007 at the curling rink, and Kerrisdale Arena Sat. April 10, 2010, 2000 plus fans roared as FPC took it's first ever victory lap at home.
Who in derby do you look up to: Announcer - Bob Noxious,
Skater's - Malice with Chains (Windy City retired), 8mean Wheeler (no bias) - two skaters that can dominate the outcome of a game without scoring a point.
Tell us something interesting about yourself not related to derby: I once sailed from Hawaii to San Francisco. There were 4 of us on a 47ft catamaran. 21 days on the water from when we left Hawaii until we landed in San Fran.