Does the name Moneyball 'ring a bell'? (See what I did there? No? Okay, you'll get it in a second.) Well, the current Faster Pussycats' coach (formally known as FPC skater, Ring’er Bell), decided a name change was necessary after switching roles from skater to coach this season. Moneyball, a book written by Michael Lewis (2003), is about the Oakland Athletics baseball team and its focus on an analytical, evidence-based, Sabermetric approach to assembling a competitive sports team (it was also a movie starring the very camera-friendly Brad Pitt). Still a bit lost on why exactly this name was the perfect choice? Read on…
Name, Number: Coach Moneyball, +/-
Sign: Taurus
Best Quality: Tenacity and dedication
Worst Quality: Don't ask me anything before 10 am.
Loves: Sports & Stats
Hates: Mornings
Lucky Charm: I don't believe in luck.
Super Power: Converting sabermetic methods into revolutionary derby stat analysis right before your eyes!
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Photo by Bob Ayers |
For the newer fans of the Terminal City Rollergirls and more specifically, the Faster Pussycats, it might not be widely known that Coach Moneyball hasn’t always been a coach. Just like the rest of us kitty cats, her nine lives are full of interesting tales to tell.