Have you always wanted to rock out with the 2011 Terminal City Rollergirls league champions? Well, here's your chance!
Get out your tight pants and your power ballads and join us on Friday, November 18 at the legendary Cobalt for some Rock N' Roll Karaoke. Doors open at 7:30pm and rocking starts promptly at 8pm. $10 at the door. There will be a 50/50 draw, door prizes, and prize for the best Rock Star costume!
All proceeds go to help the Pussycats get to Alaska in December to take on their friends the Fairbanks Rollergirls and the Rage City Rollergirls in Anchorage. Yes, you read that right. Alaska in December. Now THAT'S punk rock.
Can't make it to the party, but want to help out anyway? Click on that little yellow button on the right and drop a $10 cover charge (or whatever you can afford) into our Pay Pal account!
Poster design by Pussycats alumni Xanadoozie, aka Rebekah Joy Plett. Check out her other beautiful work here!