The first Cat in the spotlight is the lusty, busty, not too rusty IonA BeerWagon.

Skater number: 68+1.
Hometown: SURREY.
Position: Blocker and Sacrificial Jammer.
How you got that name of yours: It came up at a hockey game, and I realllllly like beer.
Why you joined derby: to hit girls on rollerskates and to gain a sports brain.
How long have you been playing derby: going into my 3rd season
What is your favourite thing about derby: the family you gain when you join a team, meeting people who I wouldn't have met any other way, awesome travelling trips, seeing the strategies you learn and perfect in practice work on the track in a real game, having special time with Suzy Shameless.
Advice for new derby players: don't give up, the first year is always the hardest. Cardio is your friend, change your bearings and make sure you have a few good sets of wheels (indoor and outdoor).
Favourite derby moment: When the FPC went to Alaska and won our first game! When the FPC finally won against the Eves of Destruction in 2010.