Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Beer & Burger Fundraiser at the Sin Bin - January 14

Here's another chance to hang out with your Faster Pussycats, and help send us to Alaska! Come have a burger and a beer with us the Sin Bin and watch footage from last season's championship bout.

Thursday January 14, 2010
7:00pm - 10:00pm
tickets include a beer and a burger

The Sin Bin is at 295 West 2nd Ave, Vancouver
2 blocks east of Olympic Village Skytrain Station

If you can't make it, think about clicking the button to the right to make a direct donation via PayPal to the Faster Pussycats. It will go directly to our Alaska trip. Thanks to our fans who have already donated.

In other news, you die-hard roller derby fans should come watch the Terminal City Rollergirls All-Stars play the Slaughter County Roller Vixens' Terrormedixxx in Bremerton (Kitsap County) WA, on January 16.

Photo of Rollergirl from 2009 Championship game by Nicolas Charest for Rollergirl.ca

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All We Want for Christmas is a Trip to Alaska!

Your favourite derby girls are traveling to Alaska in the depths of winter to represent Terminal City in a bout against Fairbanks Rollergirls on January 30 and a scrimmage with Rage City Rollergirls in Anchorage on January 29.

We need your help to get there! We've already held a poker tournament and craft sale and raised close to $5000 towards sending 14 players and two coaches up north. Click the PayPal button in the sidebar to help us out with a few bucks. All the Pussies thank you!

In other news...
At our recent league awards ball, Ring'er Bell (third from right) was named Faster Pussycat MVP for 2009, Tiki TimeBomb (third from left) was crowned The Spirit of TCRG for her outstanding off-skates service, and several other cats were recognized as league leaders.

Here's a pic by Steven L Price of honorary Pussycat 8Mean Wheeler (L) and Pussycat blocker Ambruzya playing for the TCRG All-Stars against Rose City Rollers' Axles of Annihilation on December 5: